Healthy relationship

By scared - 24/06/2020 23:02

Today, I yelled at my girlfriend for something trivial. Instead of yelling back, she was scarily calm and said, "Remember, I’ve got 50 lbs on you. Yell at me again and I’ll lay a pillow on your face and sit on it until you’re dead." I think she might mean it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 774
You deserved it 2 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you yell at someone you should care about over something trivial you should probably apologize and work towards bettering yourself so you dont continue this toxic behaviour. She sounds like she has the right idea but she should just leave you if your behaviour continues. Murder shouldn't be on the table yet.

ojoRojo 27

“Today, I yelled at my girlfriend for something trivial” = YDI.


You’re both in the wrong, she obviously should not threaten to murder you, but maybe go to anger management or something, so you don’t go off about something trivial anymore. Therapy would help for both of you. If you want to be with her, work out your problems instead of posting it online.

Ani------ 3

Why the **** are all yall supporting this toxic abusive girl, anyone threatening anyone with physical violence should be wrong. Yall Learjet ****** up.