Hair care

By hairball - 22/04/2009 00:12 - United States

Today, my shower is being renovated so I washed my hair in the kitchen sink. I put my two year-old son on the counter next to me so I could keep him close. As I was rinsing out my hair, my son started playing with the light switches. He flicked the garbage disposal by accident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 811
You deserved it 28 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

5bye7 0

ok well it probably scared you, but im sure your hair wasn't down the drain.

Arlitto 0

Murphy's law: It hit you where it hurt.


#19, given the context, 'on by accident' would make even more sense. He flicked the garbage disposal on by accident. OP, you never leave a toddler on a counter. It's plain common sense. You're lucky he didn't hurt himself.

Or 'accidentally flipped the switch on, by accident'

The person who wrote this has obviously never looked underneath the sink at how a garbage disposal works. Your hair would have to literally be 2 feet long, and you'd have to snake it into the pipes with a stick. Nice try though, I guess. =]

OMG tht kid wants to kill you BE CAREFUL THIS IS TOTALY A FYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

twindaddy 0

First of all, why would you leave a two year old on the counter? Second of all, you're a dumbass. You really think a two year old wouldn't start playing with switches? Do you know anything about children. You deserved that.

xnj319 2

#14... who on earth goes to the salon on a regular basis just to get their hair washed? And learn to read!!! The shower was being renovated... anyone with half a brain can infer that the shower is directly above the tub, meaning the tub was probably also out of commission. OP - YDI for putting a toddler on a counter. You're lucky that all your kid did was play with a few switches rather than going splat on the floor while your head was under the faucet.

ew. why was your hair IN the garbage disposal (which is what i'm assuming you're implying)? that's disgusting.

who the hell leaves a baby on a counter while they wash their hair? idiot...

wowfmlife 0

YDI for letting a 2 year old sit on the counter for that long while you have your hands and eyes away from him. I thought this was going to end up a totally different way, I mean he could have jumped right off. What kind of a mother does that? Apparently one that also doesn't teach her kid not to turn on the garbage disposal.... I doubt anything bad happened to your hair though, but you can always just get it cut and styled. And #29, I think #14 was saying, if your shower doesn't work, go to the salon to get it washed. That would have been a much better idea here, as we can see.