Great job!

By spleechick - 28/01/2010 02:41 - United States

Today, I decided to bleach my belly hair. I bought some body hair bleach at the drug store, and I used it exactly as instructed. When I removed it, I was horrified to see my belly was about three shades lighter than the rest of my body. The hair was still exactly the same darkness. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 332
You deserved it 24 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you shave, the new growing hair will be cut-off straight at the top in stead of being very thin, thus APPEARING to be thicker and darker. But when it grows back and wears down, it will look like it did before. And don't go saying 'hey when I was twelve my facial hair was thin and blonde and then I started shaving and now I'm twenty and my facial hair is thick and dark!'. Because that's the effect of puberty, not of shaving.

Why is everyone harping on this woman? she's obviously trying to change something about herself that she is sure is unnatractive. Its not her fault she was born with belly hair!


idk if anyone has posted this yet but that is actually pretty normal and your skin color should go back to normal within 72 hours

don't worry, if it's like with bleaching hair on head then i can tell you- it will seem lighter and will get back to normal tone in couple hours. so yeah, it scared you, but it's totally not a fml. while you got a fluffy belly XD that's is fml!

A woman went to great lengths and spent a bunch of money to preform some personal grooming (that no one is ever going to notice anyway) and it blew up in her face? No WAY! Stop the presses! This totally doesn't happen 6 times a day! You're so vain, I'll bet you think this post is about you, don't you, don't you...

boatkicker 4

Perhaps stupid to spend a lot of money on it, but its definitely not something that goes unnoticed. I've had my belly hair pointed out many times, and told everything from "that's weird" to "that's disgusting. You should take better care of yourself" Mostly, I just don't wear anything that shows my stomach unless I'm going to be somewhere that no one is going to see me. I don't swim in well-known ponds, or in pools unless I'm the only one there. When I do, I wear a one piece swimsuit, but i hate the necklines on them. They touch my chest in an uncomfortable place.

Why is everyone harping on this woman? she's obviously trying to change something about herself that she is sure is unnatractive. Its not her fault she was born with belly hair!

She could've used a simple razor instead of chemicals to remove it.

kpaatt123 0

well body bleach is for black ppl im pretty sure, try using peroxide it will turn your belly hairs white.

Hair bleach is supposed to bleach your body hair, not your skin color. I'd call up the company and complain.

Who the hell bleaches belly hair anyway ! You just epically failed, YDI for being an idiot !

Put some fake tan on to even out your skin tone. I also highly doubt that your hair is THAT bad OP, and even if it is, bleaching it probably won't help. Neither will shaving because I know someone who did and it was very prickly for a week. There are a bunch of natural ways to lighten hair if you just look on the internet :)

and that's why they tell you to test it somewhere small and hidden 48 hours before use. moron.

Now get some of that fake tan lotion and rub it on your belly.