Great, I guess

By Anonymous - 14/12/2013 07:24 - Canada - Milton

Today, I told my boyfriend I was pregnant. He seemed thrilled, and went to buy some wine to celebrate. He left 11 hours ago and won't come back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 446
You deserved it 7 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The fact he said he was getting wine should've been the first hint.


Life isn't fair. It's not his body, it's hers. You can't just make a woman abort a baby she wants to keep. It the man is so against having a baby, then he shouldn't have sex. Like I said, life isn't fair. There are plenty of things in this world that aren't fair for women. Get over it.

Well... if it wasn't planned, he didn't want it but you want to keep it, then it's completely understandable he left. He can't force you to get an abortion and you can't force him to take care of it. To be honest, if I was a dude and accidentally impregnated someone, I'd run the hell away too. And dear moralists with your "omg if u dun wunt children den dunt hav sex at all", go **** yourselves. Sometimes girls can't take contraception pills due to health problems and a condom can break. Accidents happen and I wouldn't take care of any unwanted little shit, just because the girl I knocked up is a dumbass and wants to keep it. However, if your baby was planned and wanted and he left... well, then he's a gigantic dick.

Shouldn't you have been a little suspicious when he said he was going to get wine to celebrate? If you're pregnant, you can't drink wine!

CoriCat 25

You shouldn't be drinking wine if you're pregnant anyway.

Yeah. Let's celebrate a pregnancy by drinking alcohol. .~.

That also happened to me... He was finally found at his friends house in bed with his friends sister...

Three things: 1. This is the reason you don't have kids out of wedlock 2. Really? He went to buy wine? You can't even drink. 3. If he's that shocked that he took off, then it's obviously it wasn't something you were talking about and that makes you a jerk.

Yeah u should have seen that one coming.... Can't drink while pregnant....*sigh*