Great date, thanks!

By Anonymous - 28/03/2009 18:50 - United States

Today, I was on a first date with a girl at the movies. Trying to be polite, I held in a fart until an intense, loud action scene came on. As soon as I let go, the scene went silent and my fart was clearly heard to everyone in the movie theatre. My date went to the bathroom. She didn't come back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 975
You deserved it 83 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments


hahahahaa this one actually made me laugh...sorry man.. :[

I agree, why didn't you go to the bathroom? And that does suck, lol, farting isn't the end of the world so I guess maybe she was looking for an excuse. :/

'the scene went silent' I disagree, the action (with sound) was only moved into the crowd. :-P I agree with #2, you should have walked to the toilet and released it there. :) Pretty logical.

Jordn_fml 0

LOL that was just funny. I agree with #2 though, why didn't you just excuse yourself?

If you can't hold it in, go to the bathroom. Or at least learn how to silence your farts.

Scorch117 0

Yeah, put a rifle silencer on your ass. XD

HAHAHAAA! idk y us girls can hold it but guys seem to explode! haha! maybe it's some kinda sciency thing i don't wanna think about on a weekend! haha!

That sucks !! But yeah, going to the bathroom to let it out might help ? But to her, wow, what an ass, like she's never let one go before ?

if she's not down to hear you fart, then she wasn't worth it. hahaha.

You should've gone to the bathroom >:

you shoulda just gone to the bathroom, but still, she sounds like a bitch if she would leave for that.