Get off your ass

By nepotwatism @ its finest - 23/09/2015 15:05 - Sweden - Halmstad

Today, my boss told me I have to start work 4 hours early tomorrow, because that my coworker, who happens to be his son, will not be coming in because he's "too tired". I work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week without complaining. His son works two 4-hour shifts a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 774
You deserved it 1 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can, put your foot down. Your mental health is just as important as his lazy son's.

Gee, that sucks. Maybe you should try and confront your boss about it. He needs to try and teach his son that work is harder than he thinks.


If that's the case he is not a good employer or a businessman

If your boss owns the company, it won't last past him. if he doesn't teach his son a decent work ethic, he'll run it into the ground immediately

Is it even legal to make you work that much?

I'd just say I can't because I have something going on at that time and that it's not on the schedule so I cant

kwerner7116 14

I was a manager at a restaurant and the owners daughter worked there. She tried to pull that shit nonstop so I cut her hours to give to other girls since they actually wanted to work. She went to mommy and daddy about it and we all had a "meeting" about it and I explained to them what was going on. Basically I told them if they wanted her to be on the schedule when she doesn't even show up then there was no point in me being there to do the job they hired me to do since she knows how to run their business. frustrating shit.

I'm a bit curious, how did it turn out in the end? Did it actually help resolve the problem, or was the resulting tension so bad you ended up quitting or being fired?

I would like to know how old the son is. If he's a teenager, school/extracurricular stuff could be keeping him very busy and it can be stressful. Still, that's really unfair.

liquidpwnage 15

I'd tell him to shove it and find myself a new job. I'm sure if you work 60 hrs a week you'd have no problem finding someone that'd hire you.

mariri9206 32

Your boss can't make you come in early. It's not your responsibility to cover for his lazy son - your boss should find someone else to cover it or make his son come in. You have every right to say "No, I don't have to come in 4 hours early. I'm already scheduled to work today and I can't take on someone else's shift. Please find someone else to come in for it."