Get off your ass

By nepotwatism @ its finest - 23/09/2015 15:05 - Sweden - Halmstad

Today, my boss told me I have to start work 4 hours early tomorrow, because that my coworker, who happens to be his son, will not be coming in because he's "too tired". I work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week without complaining. His son works two 4-hour shifts a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 774
You deserved it 1 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can, put your foot down. Your mental health is just as important as his lazy son's.

Gee, that sucks. Maybe you should try and confront your boss about it. He needs to try and teach his son that work is harder than he thinks.


clickme 17

It sucks but don't hang up on it. It's actually common and legitimate. Don't try to put yourself on the same level as the kid, he's an avatar. Just do your job and when you are in a position to do the same for your own child, feel good about doing it

Tell him no. In sure there is a labor law that prevent you from working 14 hours a day. Unless you need the money or I wouldn't do it. Or make a deal with boss that the next time you need to request off then you automaticity get it.

I don't see why that would suck it just means more money in your pocket

kimise 21

Sweetie, this is your sign to walk away. They will continue mistreating you and taking advantage of you as long as you agree.

If you have an HR department, talk to them. They can solve the problem.

60 hours a week? Damn. Law in Texas is 40 hours maximum per week.