Fun times

By KeepinItInTheFamily - 28/10/2018 05:00

Today, my future sister-in-law told me that not only will I have to host her bachelorette party at my new, still under construction house, but she has also booked a sex consultant to come and give a toy presentation. There's a $350 minimum spend. Only 5 people are coming, 4 of which are family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 243
You deserved it 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're not the Maid of Honor, tell her to go **** herself with one of the $350 sex toys. If you are the Maid of Honor, well... buckle up, buckaroo.

Tell her no. And tell her you’re not shopping for sex toys in front of your family. Seriously, just tell her ******* no. Even if she wants those things, it doesn’t have to be at your house and you can make it clear from the get go that you’re not part of her minimum spend.


I would tell her that my house will not have guests until I want them there and it certainly wouldn't be for her party. I would then explain that she can have tons of fun paying that $350 minimum because you never agreed to that and shame on her for even trying that bullshit. I would further tell her that even if I was comfortable looking at sex toys with family, having that kind of minimum with 5 people is ridiculous and any further requests like that will be ignored because you are not her lackey and she isn't paying you to jump for her.

Peaches1914 13

Why do many brides and brides to be,appear to be demanding?

IThriveWithYourPain 14

Step 1: say no Step 2: when she complains flip her the bird Step 3: slap her in the face Step 4 (optional): have a machete on you for when she gets pissed Step 5: kill her Step 6: chop up the body and dispose of it in the ground as deep as you can dig in one night Step 7: clean up the blood and gore remaining on the floor (bleach works the best) Step 8: frame a bachelorette, enemy of hers, or her fiancé for the murder Just some kind advice from a serial killer, also make sure you are in the house alone when this happens and nobody knows she was there

wrenavery90 12

Guess what? She can't make you do anything. So say no.