**** off

By Insomniac - 02/02/2012 07:07 - United States

Today, I finally got my stubborn toddler to take an afternoon nap after an hour and a half of wrestling with her. Ten minutes later, a UPS package arrived at my door. The UPS man decided it would be a good idea to ring my doorbell repeatedly in rapid-fire sequence as he was walking away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 231
You deserved it 2 930

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

UPS delivery men just want to watch the world burn I swear.

Fangsnuzzles 8

You should put up a sign at your door asking people not to knock so loud, or not to ring the doorbell.


MissAimeeAngel 15

I really hope that whatever was in the package was pretty damn important.

zebrainmypants 0

How do you ring a doorbell as you're walking away?

HannahWho 8

A lot of places have their mail carriers ring the doorbell to let the customer know that they have a package, or it could sit out there for hours without anyone knowing.

Yeah why do UPS guys do that anyway wtf...

LOL I used to put a sign literally taped over the doorbell saying Don't ring my doorbell or knock just go away because the baby's sleeping. It worked :)

I think that's how they let you know your package is there. Annoying, but it works. FYL

Those UPS people probably get a lot of complains that people didn't hear they were there, that or he was just a jerk lol.

Optomisticpencil 7