
By emmey - 23/07/2009 19:43 - United States

Today, while showering at my boyfriend's house early this morning, I saw a huge black spider on the wall. I'm allergic to spiders, so in my disorientation I ran out of the shower screaming, slipped, sprained my wrist, and bruised my tailbone. Turns out the spider was a clump of hair. My hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 916
You deserved it 44 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how can you be allergic to spiders?

Actually, you can be. I'm allergic to just about any type of insect/bug bite/sting. Spiders/mosquitoes/bees, etc. I'll swell up about 2-3x more than a "normal" person would, and the swelling will last for up to two weeks. First time I was bit by a horse fly, I was taken to a hospital.


are you all retarded, why dont you google spider allergy and find out, before you all make a comment

Spiders can't fly after you or jump on you like bees and dogs can. You could've been more of an adult about it and just walked out of the shower.

Why does that much hair come out when you're just showering?

Allerigic to spiders? That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Ever.

qwerty_ytrewq 0

not all spiders bite, so unless it was a venomous spider in the bathtub, this person is just a dumb bitch. Scared of spiders is different than allergic.

Craftymofo 0

all spiders are venomous, so you'd have to be allergic to a specific kind of spider... which is still unlikely

i got an account just so that i could say that you are a moron. you cannot be allergic to spiders. you can be afraid of them. the fact that you said allergic to spiders assures me that this never happened and that you made this up.

#105 - you can be allergic to anything. An allergic reaction occurs when your body doesn't recognize a substance in your body. So yes, you can be allergic to spider bites, just like you can be allergic to cats or shellfish or nuts.

Well you can't be allergic to everything and you can't be allergic to a spider bite but you can be allergic to a spiders venom. The only problem is that all spiders have different venom's so the chance that it was the spider that she was allergic to would be low.

and i would like to add that i know that you can be allergic to venom. but that's totally different. unless you live somewhere where there are gigantic poisonous spiders in your bathroom (which clearly you were not because it was small enough to be confused with hair) then you would have been fine.