
By emmey - 23/07/2009 19:43 - United States

Today, while showering at my boyfriend's house early this morning, I saw a huge black spider on the wall. I'm allergic to spiders, so in my disorientation I ran out of the shower screaming, slipped, sprained my wrist, and bruised my tailbone. Turns out the spider was a clump of hair. My hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 916
You deserved it 44 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how can you be allergic to spiders?

Actually, you can be. I'm allergic to just about any type of insect/bug bite/sting. Spiders/mosquitoes/bees, etc. I'll swell up about 2-3x more than a "normal" person would, and the swelling will last for up to two weeks. First time I was bit by a horse fly, I was taken to a hospital.


i hate spiders too but YDI for not knowing that wet feet + running on smooth surfaces =slipping and falling. theres no need to have a major freak out. i prob would've left too--slowly.

DWdizzy 0

i get spiders all over my house. ive learned to not be freaked out by them. but never thought i had it in me to be a spider killing machine either.

LOL!! why didn't you just drown it away! You're dumb for running out like a dumb betch

Glam_fml 0

That really sucks. The real FML here is that you busted your tailbone. I broke mine before, and it order for it to heal properly a doctor had to stick his fingers up my ass and put it back in place. I am scarred for life because of it. FYL and FML. 

Holy shit, 57. That does NOT sound pleasant. I think I'd just rather have the busted tailbone for the rest of my life.

court3love 0

woo oregon!!! that really sucks

You may kinds deserve this since you obviously didn't look at it long enough to tell if it was actually a spider, but since you're allergic to them I put an FML. Btw, are you allergic to their venom or hair? Or something else? I didn't know you could be allergic to spiders but I guess you can be allergic to anything.

Umm. I really don't think you can be allergic to spiders. And even if you're allergic to a -certain- kind of spider, you'd know which kind it is, and you could see whether this is even the right kind. And it would have to jump up and bite you, which most spiders don't do, most of the time they just mind their own business. That said - I'm very afraid of spiders, and there's nothing wrong with that, lots of people are, so if you were, you should just say so, instead of pretending you're "allergic" to them, which just makes you look stupid. Well, that and injuring yourself so much in an attempt to escape a few of your own hairs... heh...

Aw! That really sucks about all those injuries- feel better!

kira822_fml 0

Ok people can be alergic to spiders. But how did you get hair on the wall of his shower that was big enough to pass as a spider? Just... Wow. YDI