
By Anonymous - 17/11/2010 18:02 - United States

Today, while working as security for a football game, I told a woman she wasn't allowed to bring her Snickers bar into the stadium because no outside food was allowed in. She threw it at my face, then tried to spit on me. I hate people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 879
You deserved it 7 675

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dukeje 0

Oh, dude that sucks...i hate most people too. Respect and courtesy to others seems to be a thing of the past.

Dude, this was the best-worded FML I've read in a while. The ending gave me a giggle. :3


I thought she was gonna say, 'Quit your jibba jabba foo', don't gimme no back talk sucka', in a Mr T voice after she threw it. XD Snickers, Get Some Nuts!

it's a ******* snickers. lighten the he'll up

It's great op because people don't think about consequences.. You should kick her out of the game..

its a fricken snickers bar... who cares if she brings it in? Honestly, some places are suck pricks... you shouldve let her through..

Your a female security guard? LOL... not intimidating enough imo

Meeshiaa 7

Yes...I am female. But life is life. So, I dare you to come at me and tell me i'm not intimidating when I have my m4 with me. Lol, i love that gun. And cop, not security guard. My flight chief volunteered me to work that game.

FYL OP and btw I hate people too! I prefer dogs!

The majority of people in North America are douche bags man. I've learned to ignore all assholes, you should too. Next time mace the bitch ;)

Ryonix 0

Wow grammar fail. Then* your not comparing anything

And I hate people like you. It was a candy bar, not a bomb. Get over yourself.