
By Anonymous - 17/11/2010 18:02 - United States

Today, while working as security for a football game, I told a woman she wasn't allowed to bring her Snickers bar into the stadium because no outside food was allowed in. She threw it at my face, then tried to spit on me. I hate people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 879
You deserved it 7 675

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dukeje 0

Oh, dude that sucks...i hate most people too. Respect and courtesy to others seems to be a thing of the past.

Dude, this was the best-worded FML I've read in a while. The ending gave me a giggle. :3


Meeshiaa 7

Just to make this clear, i'm a girl. And also, i am a security forces member in the usaf and my flight chief voluntold me to work the game.

iMandyx3 5

really,? a Snickers Bar ? ? -___- YTDI

oh_wow_why_me 0

dude, today I was harmlessly eating a snickers bar when sone guy pretending to be "all that" tells me I can't have it at my home stadium THAT I DONATED TO. I then tripped and accidentally tripped and it fell at him, and I think I might have accidentally spit at him when I fell FML

Causing a disturbance in a crowded public place can get her charged with conspiracy to riot charges. As a security guard, you should have denied her entrance to the game. Also spitting on someone carries an assault charge due to all the possible diseases you could catch from the spit. Knowledge is power!

akanotaranger 0

thats what happens to people with sticks up their asses

ezbb08 0

you should've expected people like that when you applied for the job.

You should've punched that bitch in the throat.