Freakout time

By cricketeer - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, as my son carried the cage with live food for his pet lizards up the stairs, I heard the sound of 2,500 baby crickets escaping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 055
You deserved it 6 663

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I believe that one of the things that this website teaches us is "Don't let kids carry stuff" FYL


deathbunny256 0

This reminds me of the FML where the guy bought enough fish food to be heavy for one fish for one month. I don't know about lizards but one can of fish food is enough to last several fish for many many months. 2500 crickets does seem to be a bit overkill don't you think?

G_tastic 0

I don't know how old your son is but, I think that you should have helped him carry the crickets upstairs. That does sound like alot......but that sucks, maybe you can imagine that your camping until you find them haahha.....I feel bad for the lizards =(

2500? Oh goodness, that truly is bulk. But at least he doesn't have a snake or more and those were live rats...

your not supposed to feed snakes live rats i use frozen ratcicles

2500??! How many ******* lizards does he have? Do you live in a zoo? ... Well, I guess you do now anyway!

chowyuk 0

I want to know how escaping crickets sound.

If he's under 10 YDI for not supervising him

Quick, be like the australians and get cane toads to "fix" the problem.

Esme_fml 0

Eck. Move out for a month or so until they all die.

yeah, but leave the doors and windows open to make sure many escape the house... cos having thousands of dead crickets in your home wouldn't appeal much to me

This is stupid, there's no way you had 2,500 crickets. We buy crickets for our pet gecko, and to buy 24 costs about $3. So are you telling us you spent over $3,000 on insects that die within a couple of weeks? I'm sure you were just exaggerating to be funny, because also, it'd be impossible to house all those crickets in a container. If you meant the dried/frozen kind of baby crickets, then this FML is worded poorly. In either case, I call BS.

2,500 crickets would be $312.50, according to your price. But unless his son has a lot of crickets, I don't think it's true either... unless they were trying to breed their own lizard-feed.

Going price for bulk crickets is about $14 per 1000 (at least with Fluker's). Which I'm sure is how OP would have purchased them if that's really how many there were. In other words

In other words less than $50, not including S&H. NOT $3000 or even $300. And if that's really how many crickets they had, I'm sure that how they purchased them. Also, sometimes it's just easier and maybe even cheaper just to do that... depending on how good you are at keeping them alive.... I certainly never was. XD ...also not saying that isn't a crazy amount of crickets...

gorguz14evar 0

All you need is a tent,fireplace and marshmellows and you could go camping indoors.