Freakout time

By cricketeer - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, as my son carried the cage with live food for his pet lizards up the stairs, I heard the sound of 2,500 baby crickets escaping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 055
You deserved it 6 663

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I believe that one of the things that this website teaches us is "Don't let kids carry stuff" FYL


*CRASH BANG BOOM POW chirp chirp chirp* ... "oops"

Yeah, how many lizards does your kid have that he needs 2,500 crickets to feed them?!

now when someone tells a bad joke in the house you will just hear crickets

Selsa_Squirrel 0
Bullshet 0

LMAO. I did almost the same thing when I was little, only it was a jar of grasshoppers.

Mourningstar 4

2,500 crickets? You must get them from Costco! Lol! That sucks!