Freakout time

By cricketeer - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, as my son carried the cage with live food for his pet lizards up the stairs, I heard the sound of 2,500 baby crickets escaping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 055
You deserved it 6 663

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I believe that one of the things that this website teaches us is "Don't let kids carry stuff" FYL



there also is use of the plural for 'lizard', so I'm not going to assume that it is fake or an exxagerated number. i mean, they could have a whole giant terrarrium with many many lizards in it. I'll go with plausible, and FYL.

who buys 2500 crickets?! my cricket eats about 15 a day. so that's bs.

DoomJeff91 2

Holy crap. You can hear how many crickets escaped? That's skill.

Moomoomoo_fml 0

that's a ******* lot of crickets, what kind of lizard eats that many

whyme_ss 0

2500 is really not too many crickets, my sister has a lizard who we get a ton for and then keep them in a little cage until he's hungry. He can also eat like 30 before he pauses at all so really its not alot. Plus she said lizardSSSS fyl though that would be awful!

Loveugramps 0

I believe you're exaggerating the "2500 crickets"... I had a full grown bearded dragon and 6 younger ones. I don't even get to feed them a thousand in a week. And if you're gonna try to justify that, I call a BS... you wouldn't want those loud crickets in or around your house.

Whoo who cares! They'll all die. Right away anyways! What a gay FML!!

everybody is saying these things will die right away, which is bullshit, crickets can live in a house just as easily as any other pest insect plus they have this annoying habit of eating each other so even if they did start to die, they'll cannibalize for food and live longer

HELLO, people! This is a big deal! 2500 baby crickets, all over OPs house. They could be in OPs bed, or in the sink, or even in their food. Not only that, but unless OP calls an exterminator, itll be a long time before they die, because theyre babies. It wont be that hard for them to find food. YDI , why not just get him a guinea pig or something? Its not like timothy hay can escape...