Food for thought

By datgurllllukno - 15/10/2014 06:26 - United States

Today, while having sex with my boyfriend, I discovered that I climax sooner if I think about pretzels. Yes, pretzels. The food product. I'll never be able to eat them again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 247
You deserved it 5 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

drayloon 50

Don't get all twisted out of shape over it


Steve95401 49

Maybe it's thinking about Auntie Anne that's getting you off.

homesuckfucker 28

Don't give up on something you love because it gives you an ******. That's the opposite of what you should do.

you should eat them all the time and think about your boyfriend while eating them.

Hahaha, you should make him dress like a pretzel

salvorican 24

So... If you're alone and eating pretzels... Is that your way of masturbating?