Far out, man

By shroomda - 29/06/2009 07:29 - United States

Today, I called my dad to wish him happy birthday. The phone was disconnected, so I called my sister to see what his cell phone number was. She then informed me that our dad was in jail for selling shrooms to teenagers at a music festival out of state. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 231
You deserved it 3 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments


owlcansing 0

Well look at the bright side - he'll still have a "cell".


SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Are people really too lazy to type TWO extra letters? Come on, guys, it's really not that hard...MUshrooms. Oh, and OP; sorry you have a total deadbeat father. D: FYL.

lives_ppl 0

No "mushrooms" just means mushrooms in general although practically never magic mushrooms. "Shrooms," however, is another name used for magic mushrooms.

hunguponyou 0

was it summerfest in wisconsin?! I saw a guy being taken away in a cop car or selling something illegal. jw. but that seriously sucks.

hotstuff81 0

I'm sorry that seriously sucks.

Sad, yet so funny. In my opinion, this is an ideal FML.

Wait, what? Where are all the anti-drug people saying YDI? This is an FML miracle.

I don't understand. Why is this a FYL? Isn't it his life which is ******?

agreed. ! ha, the OP's father is pretty rad. :D

lol seriously! noone has been ragging on the fact that this is about drugs haha woot!

how would u not find out about that right when it happened? Orrr if ur sister knew about it... Why didn't you?

well just be glad it wasn't for something like selling kiddy ****. at least you know you will continue to have interesting things to tell your therapist

cattoe7 0

fyl because you have an awesome dad? nooo your life is sweeet