Far out, man

By shroomda - 29/06/2009 07:29 - United States

Today, I called my dad to wish him happy birthday. The phone was disconnected, so I called my sister to see what his cell phone number was. She then informed me that our dad was in jail for selling shrooms to teenagers at a music festival out of state. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 231
You deserved it 3 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments


owlcansing 0

Well look at the bright side - he'll still have a "cell".


Zoomin24 0

that was probably my state's festival too. lol that sucks.

zoomin..we have freakishly alike stats. not only that...you live in my town and are my age.... there is an extremely good posibility we know each other

soccerboy101 0

Wtf how'dhe get caught? Did someone rat him out?

awwww! I am so sorry. that reallly sucks.

Thats one way to spend your birthday

helios_rex 0

Your dad is one cool dude, unlike you. Post his number!

aaaannnd? now you know where to get some

Rackbot 0

How do you have any idea how cool the OP is ?

Dude, did he sell them in California at Disneyland? Cuz my two friends got in huge trouble for getting high off shrooms!

Kira_fml 0

all you kids are ******* retarded. there is nothing cool about shrooms. I'm sorry you have a deadbeat dad.

rbaybee1 4

Obviously you haven't tried shrooms..