
By Anonymous - 06/04/2013 16:17 - Hungary - Budapest

Today, I took my girlfriend to eat out at a restaurant. We chatted for an hour, and it all seemed to be going well, until she told me that she wanted to break up. Waiting for the bill and driving her home was the most painful time of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 765
You deserved it 3 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Would you folks like any dessert? No? You sure? You make such a cute couple, maybe I could recommend the shared sundae?"

CreepInTheCorner 11

Good luck, OP. But you were a nice guy for still paying.


JimSweatshirt 6

I woulda been like '**** that find ur own ride home u single bitchhhh'

she's not worth your time! don't dwell on her!

Sorry, OP. Breakups are hard enough without it being in a public setting. I may be a douche, but I would have left her with the bill and a walk. It was a dick move to do it in the middle of the meal.

That's really unfair on her part. If she had an decency she would have told you before the date instead of waiting to stuff her a** and make you pay for it. I promise it will get better!

Dallyni 22

Maybe I'm just a dick but I would've paid that tab and made the bitch walk home

What was her reason? I hope she didn't say"it isn't working out." because that isn't a reason and anyone who says it doesn't deserve to be with someone especially if nothing is wrong.

So people aren't allowed to leave a relationship if they want to? Wow.

Your one gentlemen for still paying the bill and driving her home

All these chicks are saying you are a sweet guy for doing what you did... WRONG you are a pussy for putting up with that shit.

OP that's awful, but you're a better person than most for not leaving her there and for still paying for the meal. I'm not sure if I would have done the same in your shoes.