Drunken rampage?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I woke up from sleeping at my friend's house with a bunch of other people, with my waist long hair cut into chunks on my pillow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 897
You deserved it 5 502

Top comments

lizz12345 0

wow that's uncool. shave their heads in their sleep.


zendaddy0 0

take the drugs 54 told u about and make it EVEN LONGER

anyone that did that to me would wake up in the hospital

doesn't say if male or female, either way that is just wrong. doesn't sound like "friends".

autumnnn14 0

my hair is pretty long, and it took a while to grow toooooo. if anyone cut my hair I'd flillppppp.

Did you murder them? Or at least break their tv or something? Scold their flesh with hot water? SOMETHING?

wtf if she wants to grow her hair to her waist thats her business its nothing to do with them

to all you idiots saying ydi it probably annoyed them-its her hair to do what she wants with and even if they dont like it, weeell they basically just have to suck it up. to anyone saying waist length hair is gross- firstly, thats your opinion and since you have your own head of hair to do what you want with you cant really expect to have any jurisdiction over what other people do with theirs. basically, its none of your business. secondly, waist long hair is nice so long as its healthy, mine goes to my waist but its really thick and wouldnt work short, and i always keep it trimmed so it looks healthy. to those of you saying aaah my hair is part of my personality- well thats also not good, your hair shouldnt be your defining feature. people whos personalities are eclipsed by or built around the inanimate stuff that grows out of their heads are GENERALLY 1. too nondescript to have any other feature that makes them stand out (like a personality normally does) or 2. have some kind of a complex making them want to sort of live through their hair. do either of these sound good to you? no. didnt think so.

I have waist-length hair, if someone did that to me heads would roll....