Doggy dog world

By bigdaddy - 25/09/2009 15:01 - United States

Today, while I was brushing my teeth, my 5 year old-son walked into the bathroom. He gave me a mean look and said, "That's Sammy's toothbrush, not yours." I've been brushing my teeth with the dog's toothbrush for two months now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 286
You deserved it 8 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dogs mouths are cleaner than humans. just get a new toothbrush, no problem. still disgusting though

flyboy57 0

you have a smart kid. he may have just punk'ed you.


1) it's not that gross in the first place 2) dogs mouths are actually cleaner 3) just get a new toothbrush

I would actually go to the doctor and get checked. Hope you are doing fine….

If the dog has his OWN brush and you have your own YDI for not noticing. If not, nice kid you got there, and fyl. But hey, you know what they say, Dog's are cleaner than humans, so cheer up :P

Um dogs have cleaner tongues them people. Just sayin

SinfulEnd 20

Think on the bright side, A dogs mouth is cleaner then a humans!

Dogs actually have very clean mouths so dont worry OP!

SquirrellyGirl 20

Eww, reminds me of when me and my sis realized we had been using he sane toothbrush for a week. She walked in on me brushing my teeth and was like "That's my tooth brush." And I was like "No, it's mine." We soon realized it was our toothbrush

I wash my toothbrush everytime I use it. You should too.