Doggy dog world

By bigdaddy - 25/09/2009 15:01 - United States

Today, while I was brushing my teeth, my 5 year old-son walked into the bathroom. He gave me a mean look and said, "That's Sammy's toothbrush, not yours." I've been brushing my teeth with the dog's toothbrush for two months now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 286
You deserved it 8 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dogs mouths are cleaner than humans. just get a new toothbrush, no problem. still disgusting though

flyboy57 0

you have a smart kid. he may have just punk'ed you.


lampshade131 0

the grossest part is you use the same toothbrush for 2 months

lampshade131 0

the grossest part is you use the same toothbrush for 2 months

MacintoshDima 0

I remember this same exact FML like 5 months ago...

Get a clue: this is why toothbrushes are made in a variety of colors. Get one color for you, different color for the dog. Simple. Scariest part of this? You are responsible for the well-being of a young child.

@34 - Children do lots of stupid things like this without asking. How would it be the OP's fault if the kid is just as stupid as all the other kids? At least the kid is being brought up to care for others.

satanstoystore 0

ydi. your son is right. stop contaminating the dogs tooth brush. they have standars you know. stuff they taste have to be at least as good as their balls or anus.

Dr_Pepper_fml 3

Has it occurred to ANYONE that the son might have been using HER toothbrush on the dog? What adult would keep a dog toothbrush next to their own toothbrush in the bathroom (think bristles touching each other and all of that) --that said, if that is not what happened and SHE had designated this toothbrush to be the dog's, wow.......

xScoutx 0

Dogs have cleaner mouths than humans.

everyone... drags on fml's too much this is the site you post shit that happens to you in your life so stop saying they're stupid, or swearing at them or something, it just makes you look stupid. the son probably assigned his mothers toothbrush to the dog, not caring it was his mothers. just read on, you don't have to make a big shit about every single FML you read.. everyones so ******* rude on this site, everyone who bags an FML, sounds like an idiot unless its necessery. leave everyone alone, i'm sure if you put up an FML you'd get shit for it. i'd give you shit for it, anyone who acts like a smart ass towards someones FML ends up, sounding like an idiot.

Dr_Pepper_fml 3

I second that. If people posted truly ****** up things-- "Today, I found out I have cancer and have 6 months to live. FML" "Today, my grandma died. FML." "Today, I found out I failed my chem test from last week. FML." --who would want to read that depressing shit?! FMLs are meant to be funny, embarrassing, humiliating, and in some cases just straight up ****** up. People need to chill.

Wow, I can't believe some people can't even understand the FML.

You used the same toothbrush for two months?

You're only supposed to dispose of them once every 6 months. They're not like cardboard disposable or something.