Do you remember?

By Anonymous - 18/01/2016 22:30 - United States

Today, I woke up from an amazing dream I was having about my girlfriend. We were laughing and holding hands, the kind of dream I wanted to stay asleep for. When I finally got up, I was excited to tell her about the dream but then I remembered. We broke up a week ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 400
You deserved it 1 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yep, I still have dreams about my ex from 5 months ago, and even though the dreams are wonderful I have to remind myself that it's a dream for a reason, and the situation isn't like that in reality so no sense in pining after something you have to create in your head :/ If that makes any sense. Sorry, it's 5:30 in the morning and I'm just barely awake so it wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't make much sense :p


Bostern 29

I know how you're feeling, been a week and a half for me, its a weird absence. Hope things look up for you soon.

there's got to be a reason behind your breakup. if you dumped her for no reason, then YDI, but if she dumped you when you still loved and cherished her, then remind youself that you deserve better than her. either way, it's not healthy to get too hung up over it.

Yeah, love is unfortunately not always enough to make a relationship workable or healthy.

If there's any chance for you guys to get back with each other, she'd be happy to hear this.

fpants2010 18

Sorry you're feeling down OP. Truth is, you may always have dreams about her once in awhile. I broke up with my first love seven years ago and still dream about him sometimes. Try to remember that the break up happened for a reason - one or both of you were unhappy - and if it was just her, well you wouldn't want to be with someone who's unhappy with you anyways. Best of luck to you :)

I know how you're feeling, I've been there. Yeah, it sucks now, but it will get better. Eventually you'll find someone new to dream about :)

That means it's time for a rebound. Try sleeping with her friends.

It has been 8 months since me and my ex broke up and I still cry like a little bitch about it. I've been with 2 other girls, but it's not the same...