
By LightsOut - 21/05/2013 22:47 - United States - Melbourne

Today, and throughout the past week, my electricity, water, cable, and Internet were progressively shut off. Why? Because my deranged mother-in-law has been stealing the money orders I use to pay my bills out of my mailbox. She also stole the late notices because she didn't want me to be "mad". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 939
You deserved it 3 409

Same thing different taste


Call the money order companies and report fraud. They cashed money orders made out to some one else

Restraining order or nursing home, depending on her age, might be in order.

She might get locked up for that kind of fraud if she actually cashed the money orders.

babegirlprecious 12

That's sure is a messed up mother~in~law

photogodess 13

Who the hell pays with money orders... Seriously it's 2013! Ppl don't even use checks everything's online bill pay.. You should get up to date. Money orders... Hahahaha those are only for those who have serious credit and bank issues.... Good luck with that one!

I don't use online bill pay or bank cards of any sort because I don't particularly want anyone to track my spending habits. I don't use facebook login for any website for pretty much the same reason.

Money orders are also an important form of payment when dealing with the U.S. Passport Authority.

marc70 3
wafflefriez91 17

Pay online so it doesnt happen again.

and this is a prime example of why you set up direct debit for all your bills!

That sucks and all but who uses money orders these days to pay there bills. online bill pay

I hope your mother realizes that is a federal crime...