Dad joke

By bookworm94 - 27/07/2009 04:10 - United States

Today, my immature dad said that I'm a girl, not a woman, so my witty response was, ''I have a period, so I'm pretty sure that makes me a woman.'' My dad stole my phone and sent a text to everyone in my address book, quoting me. Including the guy I like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 824
You deserved it 16 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SirAwesome 0

Why the "including the guy I like" part? I mean, how is it bad that he knows you're a woman?


Godrics_Hollow 0

While it sucks that your father felt the need to be so immature, I have to agree with him, that you are a girl. I don't think becoming an adult is necessarly an age or milestone (eg. menstruation), I believe that when you are on your own, supporting yourself, is when you learn what it means to be an adult. So, conisdering you live with your father, you are certainly a kid.

She didn't say she was an adult or not a kid, she said she's a woman... That's different.

scitzo85z 0

right on #14. Womanhood, just like Manhood - has NOTHING to do with physical maturity and age. I know people that are in they're 30's that are still boys and girls. It's something that comes with life experience and mental maturity - something most are not able to acquire until well into their 20's (and for a few, even longer!).

deliapearl 0

ur dad is an azz. don't b ashamed that u have a period. it would be weird if u didn't have one. just txt everyone back that ur dad was playing a joke

Your dad could've been a bit more respectful about it, really. But I have to agree, period is not a sign that you're a grown woman. It just means that you are beginning to be one.

You get your period when you're about 13, and a 13 year old sure as hell is not a "woman". Grow up.

True so true, pissing blood does not make you a woman, experience and wisdom does. But you dad still sucks ass

fretforyerlatte 0
mj2123 0

Actually, the average age in most western countries is 12. Certainly not a women, but that also means that there's a range - normal is between 10 and 14 or so. Ew, and "pissing blood"? Please learn some anatomy.

Quiopa?! You're very clearly a boy. Did you not pay attention in sex ed? Women don't piss blood. At least when they're healthy they don't.

elss 0

pissing blood? go back to sex ed.

Fake...come on what dad would honeslty do this...

You must have a good father. There's a lot of idiotic parents out there who don't know how to behave themselves. As far the OP goes, she sounds like a typical teenager. Teens are mouthy and they think they're smarter than they actually are. That's their natural state and that's totally fine because they *usually* grow out of it in their 20s. The father is who messed up here because he truly is supposed to be an adult and behaved like a teenager. Teenager acting like teenager vs adult acting like teenager. Huh. Yeah.

Why would having a period make you a woman and not a girl? Do you even understand what he's saying? Women can hit puberty as young as 8, idiot. YDI for being retarded.