Creepy backyard

By L.Lime05 - 08/08/2010 23:27 - United States

Today, I found a pile of animal skeletons scattered in my backyard. It appears that last night, mother nature decided to rain so hard, that the graves of my childhood pets floated back up to the top, and covered half of my field. I now have to pick all of it up before my dog sees them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 973
You deserved it 3 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gabbielove 0

How many pets did you have?! That's a lot!

...Exactly how many pets did you have (and kill)? o.O


suffokateslowly 0

okayyy irish jane doe u said u live in maryland or some shit so you would have no idea what the weather is like in cali at all not even the slightest and i can say 100% that it rained nowhere in cali last night so im calling this fml bullshit...and second it would have to rain damnnn hard to get the animals up out of the floor..we dont live in the south so i doubt it

Anaxes 5

Why did you use 3 y's in okay? I thought the point of using crappy internet language was to shorten the time that you had to press buttons for. Honestly now.

Chrisskiies 0

I'm wondering if he was watching the weather report for all of Cali? Trust me it rains in parts of california when it doesn't rainin others, I know I had friends tell me it's raining when it was dry where I lived. And those friends live like 30-40 mins away. But I do agree that it would have to be some heavy as rain to make the graves come up, which is rare in socal. But nor as much in other parts of Cali.

suffokateslowly 0

okay anaxes i was typing how i would say it.. and nobody gives a shit about your crappy opinions i wasnt talking to you at all so mind your own business loser

sounds like she has bad luck with animals. :/ or an unhealthy hobby....

FYouLife1 0

your a creep for biting massive amounts of animals in your yard

ThugNastys 0

O.O do you have a backyard or a pet cemetery?

robc32ca 4

this sounds like a movie I saw. fyl for watching a movie and thinking it's real!

F _your_ life? Your serial killer neighbor must be sweating like Josef Fritzl on MTV Cribs.

JokeMeister 0