Cool beans

By Anonymous - 19/03/2009 15:51 - United States

Today, I got a call from a girl I know, asking if I could babysit her little brother at my house tonight. I said yes. When the boy came over, he mentioned that his sister was having a party and didn't want him there. Turns out all my friends were invited except me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 232
You deserved it 4 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

x_LC_x 0

Wow, what a bitch. Call the cops on her party =].

what a little bitch! charge her extra... then throw a party of your own and don't invite her. i'm sorry to hear that... i'd be super pissed off


rachel42 0

Don't mess with her brother but confront her about it just to embarrass her in public. make her feel like the ass she is.

#9 I agree. Have your own little party. Bang her brother. Invite his friends to the party too.

To #9 and #12, I'm assuming if she's BABYsitting him, this kid isn't nearly old enough to be having sex. Definitely not a good idea.

maedoc 0

well, at least you should be getting some monetary compensation, right?

Oh boo hoo. Get over it. I'm sure her party sucked anyways.

#5: that's what I would do! #6: I doubt it somehow #7: they are not your 'friends'

Yeah that's messed up that she did that I would definitely not do anymore favors for her... especially if she's supposed to be your friend and she gave you the shaft like that.. charge her extra, and then ask your friends how lame it was and blow it off like you don't care at all!

HeyyyBrahhh 0

To #3, while that's kind of a bitchy move I'm inclined to agree.. What an awful person. I'd honestly charge her up the ass haha.

sbsully 0

Hopefully you took advantage of the opportunity to either: 1] Find out all of her dirty little secrets from the brother or if he wouldn't fess up 2] Do something diabolical and prank-like to him so that when he comes back home, the sister is scarred for life.