
By AudreyUs - 10/12/2008 19:31 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I had the house to ourselves. We started getting a little frisky when we discovered we out of condoms. After a quick run to the store, we found ourselves locked out of the house. Now we have condoms, but no way to use them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 673
You deserved it 18 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's pessimistic. have a **** in the backyard, be adventurous.

are you attached by the hip ? why didnt just one of you go?


umm where there's a will there's a way doinks!

TheAsianAmerican 5

it's called the backyard :P

umm how do h get locked out ..., if no one is there to lock da door

iparker97 0

there's such a thing as bushes you know. you shouldn't be so anal about where

NeonBubblez 6
Lukaroast 0
manny2422 0

Do it on the front lawn. Derp.