
By Noname - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, they were handing out free razors in the mall. I went up to get my free sample, but the woman just smiled and said, "Sorry honey, they're sharp, and not for children." I'm 25. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 211
You deserved it 2 923

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i TOTALLY get you. I'm 18 and I was at a Candy/Fudge store down in the tourist-area of the city I live in. They were giving free samples of fudge and the lady was like, "Are any of your parents around? I need to make sure you aren't allergic before I can give you one." I wanted to punch her out.

erika_lynnex 1

dude my mom is 38 and she went to the doctors and the receptionest asked if her mom or dad was there...


i TOTALLY get you. I'm 18 and I was at a Candy/Fudge store down in the tourist-area of the city I live in. They were giving free samples of fudge and the lady was like, "Are any of your parents around? I need to make sure you aren't allergic before I can give you one." I wanted to punch her out.

I hate when people do that ! can u not see I'm like twenty?!? gosh

Chocolate_Chunk 2

You don't sound like "like twenty"

yeah I'm 16 and when i went to sams club and tried to get a free sample, that happened to me. she didn't believe I was over 13 :(

erika_lynnex 1

dude my mom is 38 and she went to the doctors and the receptionest asked if her mom or dad was there...

I'm 14 & need ID to pay under16s bus fare :/ apparently I look 18, I went to a furniture n electronics shope, they tried to get me to put a deposit on a TV and sofa, i'd rather look younger tbh :)

freckles92 0

yea I get mistaken for being in my 20's all the time and my friend who is in her 20's gets mistaken for being a little kid.

Blacksabbath211 9

I'm right up there with the older lookin' people. my freshmen year of HS some lady asked what grade I was in, and I replied freshman, so she asked what college. It's definitely awesome and useful >:)

Take it as a compliment... not all of us are as lucky as you! :)

laacaa 0

Heh she mustn't spend enough time around children and has forgotten what one looks like, or has just gotten old herself so everyone looks young to her xD. Or you could just be a really lucky youthful looking person :3.

What a bitch... you should have told her you're 25 and shown her your license.

Yeah, I feel you on that one... I'm 21, 5'4 and 105 pounds, btw I'm a guy...

why did you want a razor? To cut yourself with? Say NO to EMO!

Lichinamo 33

Maybe they wanted to use the razor for what a razor is intended to be used for, which is shaving legs, armpits, and for men, just facial hair.

#14: Hollywood has 10-year olds with boobs I'm sure.

What is that even supposed to mean? Is that supposed to be a joke? I'm not trying to be a dick I'm just honestly trying to see your thought process because that was just... I don't even know.

lol that happens to me! like they were giving out cough-drops and the lady was like "you have to be 18 or older..." and i was like "er... i am..." she thought i was 14 or so. Well i was actually 17 at the time but who's counting? if the razor lady did that to me my imagination would go wild for a second: cut to me carving up her neck with the razor!

danielleeycakes 3

why would they say you have to be 18 to have a cough drop..?

Hiimhaileypotter 52

That's also a bit extreme... Carving someone's neck with a razor simply because they judged you to be younger than you are?