
By Jane - 07/12/2009 10:33 - United States

Today, I found out the weekly coffee talks my husband was having with his ex-girlfriend stopped involving coffee about 2 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 833
You deserved it 21 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It took you how many years to realize that private meetings between him and his ex could be a problem?

mari3644 0

Why was he even having "talks" with his ex girlfriend??


Right when I read the word "coffee" and "ex" I said OH NO. Wouldn't you get suspicious? like coffee is what half an hour. Wouldn't he be gone for ALOT longer? I guess now you know not to trust your husband anymore.

You should go out to have coffee with the both of them next time

Couldn't have said it any better then #12. FYL for him cheating but YDI for basically handing it to him on a silver platter. It is well for the heart to be naive, but for the mind not to be. You should have realized after 2+ years, there was more going on then just coffee every weekend.

It's very easy to contradict yourself there isn't it #10? You call everyone hypocrites for telling the OP that she deserves it for not checking up on him, yet you go on to basically say, "If it were me, since I'm intelligent, I would have checked up on him every now and again because even though I trust him, something here seems fishy." This is about trust, and the OPs husband ignored that trust, but at the same time, the OP let her trust overpower common sense. There is nothing wrong with being friends with an ex, the problem lies in the 2+ years of weekend "coffee" dates. I personally am still friends with one of my ex's and will, on occasion go out to dinner with them. Of course with these "dates" I ask my current girlfriend if she would like to come along. Sometimes she does, other times she doesn't, but that is because she trusts me enough and I take the time to make sure she's able to be there if she wants to be. It's all about trust vs naivete in the OP's FML. She trusted too much when she should have been opening her eyes and realizing that something else was up since it was happening so frequently.

FYL but YDI at the same time. you should've made sure you knew what they were doing. AND why were you letting him do that with his ex? like, the coffee thing.

You really didn't suspect anything? I first heard the phrase " having a cup of with coffee" with someone when I was playing GTA. It was a code to get the sex scenes in the game. Look like you've been cuckolded. YDI for even allowing it without suspecting any hanky-panky going on.

Give the girl a break. It was probably something her husband mentioned to her when they first got married and she kinda forgot about it. He probably does it on his lunch break which she would have no way of knowing about. Then she finds outs and remembers he mentioned to her once that he has coffee with her every Wed. or whatever and it clicked.