Checked out

By Anonymous - 31/10/2012 03:02 - United States - El Cajon

Today, before leaving my house, I OCD-checked all of my doors 16 times to make sure that they were locked. When I got home, my house had been broken into. Turns out I accidentally unlocked my front door when trying to lock it for the last time. This is why I have OCD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 977
You deserved it 10 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL, OP. I wish robbers I've experienced tried getting through the door. I've been robbed twice, and both times they broke a window to get in. I have OCD, but for me when it comes to locking doors, I literally have to say out loud "The door is locked." Not sure why. If I lock a door and don't say it and try to leave the house or go to bed, I can't. I'll get terrible anxiety.


rain_or_shine 8

i'm sory that happened, but I a guessing you won't do that again. OCD doesn't stop things from happening it just is an anxiety problem and you are still human. I have OCD, but when it is better I find that I do things like that less often....I used to do that with my backpack and school supplies and then having doors closed so I can relate. It takes a lot of work to make it better, but it can get there!

buy an electronic deadbolt. you can set it to autolock. OCD solved!

Johnson925 2

actually if it's bad enough it's CDO

ShananaginsLOL 13

That sucks I know how you feel I have OCD too