Checked out

By Anonymous - 31/10/2012 03:02 - United States - El Cajon

Today, before leaving my house, I OCD-checked all of my doors 16 times to make sure that they were locked. When I got home, my house had been broken into. Turns out I accidentally unlocked my front door when trying to lock it for the last time. This is why I have OCD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 977
You deserved it 10 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL, OP. I wish robbers I've experienced tried getting through the door. I've been robbed twice, and both times they broke a window to get in. I have OCD, but for me when it comes to locking doors, I literally have to say out loud "The door is locked." Not sure why. If I lock a door and don't say it and try to leave the house or go to bed, I can't. I'll get terrible anxiety.


OCD is all in your brain... And before someone bitches at me, I HAVE OCD! I was on medication from the ages 12-18. I trained myself to not let stuff like that bug me, and now the only thing that remains of my OCD habits is having to wash my hands every time I get done touching something dirty, which everyone should be doing anyways. Go to a therapist and have them evaluate you and see if they can give you medication. If you don't, then train your OCD not to come up when things bug you, it will only get worse.

78, THANK YOU! <3 FINALLY someone had the sense to say it!

I'm sorry OP, I hope you'll recover quickly.

Sometimes no matter what you do you can't stop things happening. Even if looking back you could have done something differently, life's always gonna have ups and downs no one can change that. Good luck OP I hope you can get help, just remember the best way is to fight it and go against it!! It's gotta get worse before it gets better <3

sylar88_fml 1

My sister has extreme OCD and anxiety as well, I have a little bit of OCD like every time I leave the kitchen I make sure all the stove burners are off and making sure the refrigerator and freezer door is completely shut because they pop open if lightly shut so I always check to make sure it's shut all the way.. Not really bothersome like what my sis deals with like she will not tolerate the numbers 666 on a receipt for example .. Which when that happens she buys another item to change the amount and etc..

MuppetMerkin 10

There is a difference between paranoia and OCD. You should read up on both before self diagnosing.

No, you have OCD bc you just can't let shit go.

you don't have OCD. OCD would have locked the door. you're just a paranoid moron

89, you're completely wrong. The disorder forced the man to try to relock his door, but at the lock's fault and/or human error (obviously not intended to happen by his mind's compulsion) made a mistake happen. Just shut up dude.

I have OCD. Sympathy for you, OP it sucks. :(

mariebc123 7

Don't you know your suppost to stop on an odd number?!

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Maybe OP is an even number-lover, like myself :x

I have OCD also. I have to touch every object three times in the top left corner about an inch away from the edge. When I leave a door, I turn the handle all the way in both directions and then lock and unlock it twice, before finally locking it for good.