Checked out

By Anonymous - 31/10/2012 03:02 - United States - El Cajon

Today, before leaving my house, I OCD-checked all of my doors 16 times to make sure that they were locked. When I got home, my house had been broken into. Turns out I accidentally unlocked my front door when trying to lock it for the last time. This is why I have OCD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 977
You deserved it 10 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL, OP. I wish robbers I've experienced tried getting through the door. I've been robbed twice, and both times they broke a window to get in. I have OCD, but for me when it comes to locking doors, I literally have to say out loud "The door is locked." Not sure why. If I lock a door and don't say it and try to leave the house or go to bed, I can't. I'll get terrible anxiety.


Down voted again. I'm saying that I can relate to OP. I have OCD as well.

CharresBarkrey 15

Down votes really affect you that much?

I'm not a smartass. I just don't like people who define others by their disorder or disease. It's no better than saying "he is cancer". Don't be ignorant and I won't comment.

KiddNYC1O 20

The thing that bugs me is that you knew exactly what I meant yet you carry-on a defense method.

If OCD didn't help you, maybe this is a good way to start getting over it. You weren't any more careful than anyone else, you just spent longer locking a door.

You don't just "Get over" OCD. A lot of the time you can attempt to control it ( with SSRIs or something rather), but that's it. However it is possible to out-grow it in some cases, but for a lot of people it is chronic and long-term. And you don't choose what you obsess over.

CharresBarkrey 15

Sure isn't. But this DID happen because of OP's OCD.

CharresBarkrey 15

It's terrible that OP's alright?

I must say, I'm quite enjoying reading everyone's stories and what they're OCD about!

CharresBarkrey 15

34, I'd like to introduce you to comment #1. It's right at the top, and I think you two will get along quite nicely.

perdix 29

You should have stopped at 15. People with OCD always get it right. You don't have OCD, you have Incompetence. I, on the other hand, have CDO -- it's the same as OCD, but in the proper alphabetical order like it needs to be.

I believe that you don't understand people with OCD don't like odd numbers I love the number 15 and 5 but I don't like other numbers so she did it one more time

Wish I could up vote perdix on the Android app. This guy deserves a medal.

You know there is a "Reply" button right? You don't have to post a new comment each time, but don't worry I thumbed him up for you.

KiddNYC1O 20

But you could vote on android...

That sucks! That's why I only double check.

SApprentice 34

40- You only double check because you don't have OCD, or at least not OCD that causes you to fixate on doors. OCD can be crippling, and it's not something you can just easily wish away. It causes horrible anxiety that eats at you until you complete whatever the compulsion is.