Checked out

By Anonymous - 31/10/2012 03:02 - United States - El Cajon

Today, before leaving my house, I OCD-checked all of my doors 16 times to make sure that they were locked. When I got home, my house had been broken into. Turns out I accidentally unlocked my front door when trying to lock it for the last time. This is why I have OCD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 977
You deserved it 10 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL, OP. I wish robbers I've experienced tried getting through the door. I've been robbed twice, and both times they broke a window to get in. I have OCD, but for me when it comes to locking doors, I literally have to say out loud "The door is locked." Not sure why. If I lock a door and don't say it and try to leave the house or go to bed, I can't. I'll get terrible anxiety.


FYL for OCD & such bad luck this time. I hope you're in therapy.

On the bright side, you don't wash your hands until they bleed.

Do you really have OCD? Or are you just paranoid about locking up the house? Two totally different things.


Damn that's ****** time just make sure ur doors are all locked the first time and that's it...

doodoo10 10

I don't understand... why is it that the day someone forgets to lock the door... the robbers know? :( do they just walk around trying every door? Im sorry this happened OP

I totally agree!! Every time i leave 1 door unlocked on my car, shit gets stolen. But if its locked its sweet

ViviMage 38

Try jiggling the lock instead. That's how I double check, and info have some self diagnosed OCD, like rechecking locks or the stove

yenidewi 11

hahhahahahahhaha ... oh OCD OCD ... ;p

Maybe they picked the lock even if it wasn't open they would have gotten in some other way so don't beat ya self up

noisebox 1

Set a new rule check them once only and leave.