Cats rule

By Respect101 - 26/06/2014 00:20 - United States - Alvin

Today, I was talking to my boss about dogs and cats. I'm a dog person; he's a cat person. He told me that he likes cats better, because they are laid back and don't do anything all day. Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "Just like you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 652
You deserved it 27 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inner_peace 19


What a boring reason to have a favourite animal. Your boss sounds awesomely dull and unimaginative.

bahamut357 16

Ah, foot-in-mouth syndrome strikes again.

And there goes your job...I would think... Cats are a bit easier to take care of so that might also be on his side

Unfortunate, but hilarious. On a side note, I blame ancient Egypt and their cat fetish as to why cats are such self-important assholes. How can you sleep 18 hours a day, and still have such delusions of grandeur? ******* cats...

He will not can you for it! Just laugh a lot regarding it.

I hope you added "just kidding" followed by some laughing, that sometimes could save your ass