Cats rule

By Respect101 - 26/06/2014 00:20 - United States - Alvin

Today, I was talking to my boss about dogs and cats. I'm a dog person; he's a cat person. He told me that he likes cats better, because they are laid back and don't do anything all day. Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "Just like you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 652
You deserved it 27 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inner_peace 19


How do you not deserve this? People need to have self control before they say things.

He probably didn't really think before he said it... I'm pretty sure everyone has done this. OP just had an unfortunate outcome

#29 that's why #11 said people need to have self control... so that they DO think before they speak.

Hopefully your boss isn't as spiteful as cats can be...

"Think - before you speak Or suffer, for your words"

Hope you don't get fired beclaws of that ruff moment...

PotatoPal 11

Your puns are purrty furnny, 14.

Thank you c: That's pawful nice of you to say.

Aww Diarrhea of the mouth I am very familiar with this condition. It is less commonly known as "no filteritis"

mysadlyfe 9

He should have pawed at ur face

haha... I am sure he's going to promote you for you're perfect analysis and bright view on the organization ;)

Hopefully he found a funny side to it! Otherwise you may have cost yourself your job Unlucky OP

Since you're posting this here, I guess he didn't fire you. Careful OP !

ihavenolifehaha 16

40, If the OP got fired for this I imagine it would've been apart of the FML.