Cats rule

By Respect101 - 26/06/2014 00:20 - United States - Alvin

Today, I was talking to my boss about dogs and cats. I'm a dog person; he's a cat person. He told me that he likes cats better, because they are laid back and don't do anything all day. Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "Just like you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 652
You deserved it 27 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inner_peace 19


I was expecting a ridiculous reason from your boss for not liking dogs, sorry but this one is on you.

That sounds like a cat-astrophe, dog-gone it!

Yea, but it's his own fault. OP needs to paws and think before he speaks.

This is one where I have to vote *both* YDI and FYL.

Mr_Mole 24

Good on you. You can't be held accountable when they set you em up like that.

lol, can't pull that statement back. hopefully he laughed it off.