Casual perv

By Anonymous - 31/03/2009 01:13 - United States

Today, I was ringing an old man up in the local grocery store when I had realized all he was buying was 3 bottles of vodka and a box of condoms. While I was loading the bags into his cart he laid his hand on my shoulder and told me, "I'd take you home with me but chances are I would be arrested". FML
I agree, your life sucks 111 477
You deserved it 6 034

Same thing different taste


this isn't an fml its a "something really creepy happened to me today" hahahahah at #3 and #27 get over yourself trying to imagine this scenario in my head, cant imagine some guy actually saying that lol

bigrederin 0
simplynothing 0

he obviously has a sense of humor.

simplynothing 0

well, either that, or he's just plain creepy. sorry for the multiple comments

naomikathryn 0

Oh my word. I work at a grocery store, too. I haven't had anyone quite that bad yet, but I pray to God I never do.

92689 0

They don't sell Vodka in grocery stores where I live, only in liquor stores. Hmm maybe I should move...

UnCensoredBitch 0

What size were the condoms? jk! :D

musicloverr 0

HAAHAHAAHAHA that's fantastic he's great.