Casual perv

By Anonymous - 31/03/2009 01:13 - United States

Today, I was ringing an old man up in the local grocery store when I had realized all he was buying was 3 bottles of vodka and a box of condoms. While I was loading the bags into his cart he laid his hand on my shoulder and told me, "I'd take you home with me but chances are I would be arrested". FML
I agree, your life sucks 111 477
You deserved it 6 034

Same thing different taste


You can't by liquor in grocery stores in most of Texas. Beer and wine, sure, but liquor, you've gotta go to a liquor store for that. Sucks.

thegoodlifeNOT 0
bioclock 0

Dirty old men are hilarious. I'd be creeped out too if that happened to me, but that is just too funny.

That guy is my hero, I wanna be just like him.

Well, he's getting action somewhere for a dirty old man, dude picked up some condoms...

cookieinc 0

actually i used to work at a grocery store and some people were REALLY creepy like that especially if they're old and ugly... that stuff is disturbing lol

hurrdurr 0

God, just take the compliment. I wish bums thought I was hot.