But she's so wonderful…

By Anonymous - 23/02/2022 00:00

Today, my parents are so in love with my ex, they still think it’s my fault she felt unloved enough to cheat with another man. They constantly try to convince me to take her back and become stepdad to the child she conceived with the guy she cheated on me with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 763
You deserved it 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whether or not she felt unloved or if that was any part of her decision to cheat, 1: she is fully responsible for cheating rather than breaking up/divorcing you and 2. There is no ******* way in hell you should go near that position. Cheating may be forgivable, but her having someone else’s child and anyone expecting you to be partly responsible for raising it is way beyond reasonable expectations for anyone. That’s like a Jerry Springer level of ****** up family relationships waiting to happen.

I hope you're not really asking me that question. You've been around enough to know me.


Whether or not she felt unloved or if that was any part of her decision to cheat, 1: she is fully responsible for cheating rather than breaking up/divorcing you and 2. There is no ******* way in hell you should go near that position. Cheating may be forgivable, but her having someone else’s child and anyone expecting you to be partly responsible for raising it is way beyond reasonable expectations for anyone. That’s like a Jerry Springer level of ****** up family relationships waiting to happen.

Hey, looks like you have another chance with her. Go for it! If not for your happiness, do it to make your parents happy. Don't they deserve that?

I hope you're not really asking me that question. You've been around enough to know me.

ayaaya 16
AzraelAngelus 15

You don't have to asterisk yourself here. Their slogan is, "At FML, **** is not our middle name, it's our first name!"