Bunged up

By Anonymous - 28/06/2013 03:57 - United States

Today, after months of incredibly painful stomach cramps, I convinced my mom that I needed to see a doctor. Not even 2 minutes into the exam, the doctor tells me that I'm heavily constipated and advised some "prune juice" to help "clear all that shit out". My mom won't stop laughing at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 699
You deserved it 5 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pwn17 25

Who gives a shit about what she thinks?

Well that was rather unprofessional of him. What kind of doctor talks rudely to his patients like that? *whistles innocently*


Oxidation 5

Who cares? You now have a cure for your aching stomach. And that is all.

CharresBarkrey 15

It blows my mind when people are so oblivious to their own body and its functions. I've seen so many people come into the ER who are so sure they have appendicitis or cancer or something, but they are literally just full of shit. YDI, OP, be more aware of your body.

davek 36

Tell her she's full of shit. Oh wait...

Kc1001 14

wouldn't you notice that you haven't been craping? That's generally the first sign.

Seriously, people. If no one ever told OP that your body needs to clear itself out everyday, how are they supposed to know that they're constipated? I myself found this out in my teen years. And just recently, I also found out that shit isn't supposed to be floaty, because honestly I never really called someone after taking a crap to come and watch that shit. OP's mom shouldn't be laughing, if she couldn't figure out OP was constipated. It was her job to educate OP about this in the younger years. FYL OP, I feel your pain...too litterally, actually.

brittyed 11

Take fiber supplements or have FiberOne cereal for breakfast. Also perhaps you might have IBS? Amazon.com... order enteric coated Peppermint Gel capsules. Believe me, they work. I have friends with IBS that swear by it.

inumiko 12

so... you're haven't taken a shit in how many months???

Saler1 2

At least you didn't end up in the ER like my little sister. We ended up staying there for days.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Lmfao definitely a shitty situation.

emv0517 3

I had the same thing happen to me. I was having extreme pains in my abdomen, thought it was my appendix or gallbladder so I went to the doctor. I had a xray done to make sure I didn't have kidney stones that were presenting weirdly and blood work to test my gallbladder. the xray showed I was severely constipated and I was put on ex lax twice a.day for three weeks...(usually you take it once a day for one week). 75 dollars in copays later and it turns out all I had to do was poop ...