Bunged up

By Anonymous - 28/06/2013 03:57 - United States

Today, after months of incredibly painful stomach cramps, I convinced my mom that I needed to see a doctor. Not even 2 minutes into the exam, the doctor tells me that I'm heavily constipated and advised some "prune juice" to help "clear all that shit out". My mom won't stop laughing at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 699
You deserved it 5 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pwn17 25

Who gives a shit about what she thinks?

Well that was rather unprofessional of him. What kind of doctor talks rudely to his patients like that? *whistles innocently*


Being constipated that long definitely would leave me sense of humor constipated too...

Wizardo 33

I hear you're full of shit... keep talking or eat some Taco Bell, that'll clear you right out.

shadowfighter10 9
venus89 17

Pour some in her coffee, then she will see who is laughing ;)

KiddoKS 19

This is just the type of story moms will never forget either. I can see op's mom sitting down with future dates breaking out the embarrassing baby pics and reminiscing about the time the doc told you that you were full of shit... Memories :)

perdix 29

With friends like that, who needs enemas? You do!!

i bet ur mom thought u were full of shit b4 doctors now she knows ur full of shit lmao

mgrace88 8

I hope you feel better soon. And rule of thumb, try not to go more than 3 days without a bowel movement. There are plenty over the counter stuff to encourage a regular bowel movement and it'll much less painful and less costly.

Probably should have already knew that if you wasn't taking a shit on a regular basis like everyday.