Break in

By GodDaughter - 20/09/2009 00:08 - United States

Today, I was locked out of my house so I texted my cousin to come over and help me get in. She came over, stood on a chair and lifted me through the smallest unlocked window possible. Sadly, this was my bathroom window and I ended up head-first into my toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 671
You deserved it 9 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So? it's your own toilet. If you didn't flush, or left discharge all over the seat, it's your own fault.

You wouldnt be alive if you fell that hard into the toilet head first.


did you get it on film? funniest home videos here we come..

i second post 1 and 28 the first thought to my mind was that htis was fake because you'd be in like critical condition most likely right now

you tell this story like it's the first time you've ended up head first in your toilet :)

I agree with #2, that's what I was thinking the whole time. Although, #1 is definitely right, it WOULD be impossible for her to just be dropped into a toilet like that.

Hahah thats actually a really funny story! A great one to tell later on in life.

noshitsherlock 0

You deserve it! I'm sure there was time just before to SEE where you're going and you could have avoided landing in it.

I call such a fake on this. Landing headfirst into a toilet from the height of a window will immediately result in a head, neck, or back injury. The fact that you fell in a toilet would be outshadowed by your trip to the hospital.

seriously, thats why when i get locked out of my house i go feet first into my bathroom window. its happened before but instead of a toilet, it was the little wall in the shower to keep the water from getting out:[ it hurt