Boys will be boys

By optimistic2628 - 19/10/2011 14:03 - United States

Today, my 5 year-old twin boys decided to teach each other how to fly off the shed out back. They are still in their pajamas. Batman's arm is broken and Spiderman has a slight concussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 036
You deserved it 7 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Silly kids, Batman and Spiderman can't fly. I hope they're ok though

How about you watch your children so stuff like that doesn't happen?


Don't worry too much about it OP, kids have a way of getting into all sorts of trouble even if you are watching them, take your eyes of them for one second and they bolt -_-

iDaniel525 8

Silly children, Superman and Batman can't fly!

iDaniel525 8

Fail, I meant spiderman. I guess I was thinking of a comment I read earlier..

And because you admitted your mistake and owned up to it, I will forgive you. . .this time. Muah ha ha

DeeG12 0

First, really bad that this happened. Second, hilarious story to tell for years. Thirdly, only in the past 5-10 years have we not been able to let out kids outside alone. I know I was!

It's not the injury they deserve but the one they need...wait

vwegland 0

So many people are downing on you for bad parenting. I guarantee if my mom watched me every second of my life and if I never got hurt from the stupid stuff I did I wouldn't be the same person I am today. Kids need to learn by doing not hearing

Well, to be fair, they need a little bit of both. But yes, there's no use in protecting children from their own childhood.

kitsune3 20

That, and unfortunately, reverse psychology works on children when you don't want it to, which is nearly all the time. You tell them NOT to do something, and they do it, usually out of curiosity.

16MilesPerHour 0

Not very well written. Watch your kids.

16MilesPerHour 0

Not very well written. Watch your kids.

Babydoll4ever 7

Exactly! It's all about that Superman.(:

Maybe you should watch your kids like a decent mother.