Boys will be boys

By optimistic2628 - 19/10/2011 14:03 - United States

Today, my 5 year-old twin boys decided to teach each other how to fly off the shed out back. They are still in their pajamas. Batman's arm is broken and Spiderman has a slight concussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 036
You deserved it 7 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Silly kids, Batman and Spiderman can't fly. I hope they're ok though

How about you watch your children so stuff like that doesn't happen?


Always knew Spiderman would win in a fight!

Oh come on ! I've learned from experience that you can tell your kid a million time not to climb on things because they're gonna hurt themselve, they are gonna do it anyway. I learned to say it once and to let them learn by themselves. But this kind of accident, you can be the best mother ever, it's gonna happen. And there's always a moment in the day a mother is not gonna watch her kids for a few minutes because her attention is elsewhere. This is just human (same for fathers). And this does not make you a bad parent. I bet these kids are never gonna do that again, and they'll tell their friends what happened to them. So that makes at least a dozen kids educated instead of just two. That's pretty good in my opinion.

I have twin boys who survived to 22 yes! mine boys were batman & robin when they were little. don't worry mom this is just one of many times you'll be in the emergency room my dear. now I have to watch one twin "hardcore wrestle" it's bloody but it's part of being the mom of boys, especially twins!! good luck :)

muhilrashid 4
caysters 12

Honestly, you're very lucky your kids only got those injuries! Be careful and make sure they can't get up there anymore. Next time, it might not just be a "slight" concussion... Glad they are okay!

This is what happens when you listen to bullshit about bad parenting, you get haters thinking they're perfect parents trying to make people like the op look like the bad guy. Sheltered *****. op, dont listen to these idiots calling you a bad parent, kids are kids, they do stupid shit, don't worry, well you should be worried right now...

As has been said countless times before - this is what children *DO*. As a kid I was given reasonable supervision when doing something potentially dangerous (working with something hot or sharp, as per example), but other than that I was left to my own devices. And I got hurt. And it was *good* for me. I skinned my knees, fell out of trees, nearly poked my own eye out with a stick, climbed over fences, propelled myself bodily from swingsets, jumped off play structures, and indulged in elaborate and extremely dangerous games of tag with my friends. Notably, I am still here to tell the tale. As for dealing with said injuries, my parents bandaged me up and comforted me, and I learned not to do whatever it was that got me hurt again. Kids have to learn what pain is, how to deal with it, and how to avoid it. And parents cannot be expected to prevent anything bad ever happening to their children. If they actually managed to, I would argue that more damage has been done than any injury inflicted by gravity or a pair of scissors. Real poor parenting comes from parents who don't let their kids experience the world properly.