Boys will be boys

By optimistic2628 - 19/10/2011 14:03 - United States

Today, my 5 year-old twin boys decided to teach each other how to fly off the shed out back. They are still in their pajamas. Batman's arm is broken and Spiderman has a slight concussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 036
You deserved it 7 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Silly kids, Batman and Spiderman can't fly. I hope they're ok though

How about you watch your children so stuff like that doesn't happen?


Jezz people let up kids are gonna get hurt that's what's wrong with kids these days they don't go out and play kids especially lil boys need to climb trees skin knees and break arms and get scars I mean people wonder why the people now days have no danm sense hell I got ring worms skinned knees broke bones and knew what fun is video games and over protective parents arnt a way to bring up kids so kudos to the parent of the twins by letting em experience a real childhood :) keep up the good work just make sure they are covered for the next boo boos and explain batman falls with grace and superman used web and fell down alot lol next time go for superman ;)

blacksswan 10

Please don't breed ; (have kids) etc. I am begging you.

To be fair, she might have been referring to how illegible the above post was, and not the content. Because while I agree with what was posted... holy hell, that was a strain to read.

Yay Jersabelle!!! You took the words right outta my mouth...your son is lucky you're his mom :-) I remember playing outside all damn day when I was 5,6,7 years old. Those were the days...

You obviously don't know what your talking about

Maybe she was making breakfast and thought it would be better for them to play in the backyard than sit on their butts playing video games... Don't blame her

ra1d3rette84 0

i hope batman and superman are okay! but hope they realized that they cant fly

beerankin 0

And where were you when your two 5 year olds were climbing onto a freakin shed? Carelessness as a parent

I'm wondering about that as well. I wish the OP didn't leave us hanging.

twisted_cherub 14

I'm pretty sure since OP knows the arm is broken and the concussion is minor, both boys have been to the hospital already. Kids that age heal really quick, so Spiderman will be rowdy as ever by morning and Batman should be out of the cast in a little over a month.

Ah boys. They'll definitely be boys. Don't worry op. They weren't permanently injured and I bet they won't do it again. They'll probably try something new next time ;) Kudos to this mom for getting her kids to play outside instead of watch tv. Ya they got hurt but so what? We can't keep our kids i

In a bubble or they'll never learn anything and never experience life. They'll probably break a few more bones and get a couple more concussions and a few dozen stitches but THEY'RE KIDS AND THAT'S WHAT KIDS DO. She isn't a bad parent because they got hurt.

Yea because broken bones is a sure sign of a kid that had an awesome adventurous childhood..rationalize fail.

Exactly 65! My mom sent us outside to play, as did every other mom on the block. Watching TV and playing video games were a treat and not the norm. Builds more character! 86, get broken arms and other injuries all the time. Unless they're sitting on the couch all day. Then they just get diabetes. And THAT is a fail.

86 have you never heard of playing football? Soccer? Baseball? Skateboarding? Bikes? Kids break bones and bust open lips and chins and get concussions and all kinds of things because they are being kids. I would say that a boy who never got to do those things had a seriously deprived childhood.


ifeel really bad about this...but i laughed wen i read this

Strafeh 9

I pissed my face when I saw this

Is that statement considered "cool" where you're from? If so, I'm assuming you're in middle or high school.

Well duh, Batman and Spiderman can't fly. What are you teaching these poor, innocent children? Also, I fail to see how pajamas figure into this equation, and you should probably keep an eye on your children.

72 I'm pretty sure op called them that bc the boys were wearing Batman and Spiderman PJs :)