Bored stiff

By adsfkerfmpo - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I made a date to try to save our relationship. I sat in his room for hours while he watched YouTube videos of World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 223
You deserved it 8 055

Top comments

And ur trying to save this relationship why?

The more sensible thing would be to save YOURSELF from the relationship. o_0


aslate 0

man, WoW rules all.... however, DTMFA unless he thought it would be good 4 u 2

bubblemari 2

hunny u and me both have the same damn problem but my boyfriend really does do things when we are together reason why i am not a v....! :D lol move on hhe dnt care about u!!! maybe he does but yea u get me! lol ;] -Mari[; (9.14.08)

"he doesn't care about you? but maybe he does lol! ;D" seriously? make up your mind. and if the ONLY thing your boyfriend does when you're together is try to have sex with you ("reason why i am not a v....! :D" sounds like someone's still riding the post-virginity-losing high), I'm very sorry. but he doesn't give a damn about you. GTFO. OP, I'm also very sorry, I know the only thing that's keeping you together now is your love for him, but you've already lost him. the human race has lost him. Get out, now.

sublime93 0

FML for having to read this crap. WHO CARES!

kc2_fml 0

a mans gotta have his priorities.... WoW is always first...

this guy sounds so familiar. is his name kevin?

This guy's name could be anyone. He's the A-typical seriously (like needs help seriously) WoW obsessed kind of person.

IndigoKitty 3

oh wow (oo, bad pun...) my ex was WoW obsessed too. didn'tbother me at first, because i play as well, but when it got to the point when i'd tell him to come to bed (nudge nudge, wink wink) and he'd still play for 3 hours more...i walked. dump him.

ithedarkknight 0

Lmao I cant lie i was watching WOW videos yesterday because some dude freaked the hell out because his mom canceled his WOW account. The funny part is he started going on with this crazy tantrum and tried to stick a remote up his ass if you haven't seen it check it out on youtube its hilarious. search world of war craft kid Lmao... good laughs...

cucumberfabulous 7 =)

So what you guys are saying is that a guy can't be both a good boyfriend and be good at video games? Bullshit. Me and my friends play video games all the time and my girlfriend plays them with me too when we're just hanging out at my house.

The difference is knowing the balance. Its great your girlfriend plays them too but the OP obviously doesn't share his interest in WoW. That means they should be trying to find something they both enjoy doing.

The problem is that there is a balance - you can have your time for games, and time for the girlfriend. This guy crossed the line by using time they both set aside for each other to play his video game - without her. Hell, my boyfriend not too long ago had me change his password so he'd stop wasting time on WoW - not that he's addicted, but it's a helluva good procrastination tool, and he'd just absentmindedly play it instead of doing other things. If the OP's boyfriend had done the same, no one would care if he played WoW - because at least it would have shown he gave a shit about the relationship.