Bored stiff

By adsfkerfmpo - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I made a date to try to save our relationship. I sat in his room for hours while he watched YouTube videos of World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 223
You deserved it 8 055

Top comments

And ur trying to save this relationship why?

The more sensible thing would be to save YOURSELF from the relationship. o_0


I've had boyfriends like that. Dump him, he's not worth your time if THAT is his idea of a date.

is he in the wrong cause of playing the game? or is she in the wrong for not giving/doing something to keep his attention. personally id take pussy over any game lol

PlasticPopsicle 0

I agree, FYL. I'm one of those unlucky people born with an addictive personality; once I was exposed to WoW things went all downhill from there. Before all of you start flaming, let me say something. It's not that he doesn't care about you; it's just that addictions are pretty nasty things. I spend hours on WoW daily - I was dumped for it because I didn't talk to my guy enough. However, it doesn't mean we're sh*tty people - I tried talking to him more, but I get so wrapped up in the game that I forget to text back or whatever. So I'm sort of in your place, just on the other side. I care about this guy, I still have feelings for him, and I'm willing to compromise. However, he pulled the dreaded "game or me" card. Please don't do that, you'll only make things worse. Here are some things you can do: - Play WoW with him. - If you're not a gamer yourself, have him turn his phone ringer up higher. Sounds strange but it helped break the hold so I could actually talk to people.- - Create a rewards system. The more he talks to you in a week/month/whatever, you'll buy him another month's membership/BC/WLK upgrade. It's all about balance. I'm working on reinstating balance in my life, so I'm sure it's possible you can help balance his. PS - sorry about the long comment, just trying to help :]

I'm not sure I'd want to keep dating someone if I had to bribe them with extra WoW time to hang out with me. :/ At some point you need to stop blaming your "addictive personality" and realize it's only a game. Set a time limit for yourself if you have to. My little sister is "addicted" to WoW, too. We used to hang out all the time, but now she won't even take off her ******* headphones to say hello to me when I walk in the door after months away at college. I could argue that I'm "addicted" to the Internet - hell, I spend enough time here. But I know when to turn the damn computer off, get out of the chair, and spend time with the people I love. I've been arguing with my mom all summer now to cut her subscription; she's stopped going out, she doesn't eat, she doesn't sleep, she doesn't feed the pets - it's a terrible situation. I have to bring food to the computer desk and beg her to eat it, and I honestly fear for our cat's life once I leave for school again. So I guess all I'm trying to say is, don't let a computer game control you; that just shows a weak personality, not an addictive one.

rustyrox 0

relationship crisis averted. no remorse for loosing it.

Uh, now you know that leaving him is the right choice. If he's going to spend the whole time doing that stuff on a night that's supposed to be about saving the relationship, then clearly he doesn't care about the relationship. Move on.

thesismate 3

My ex roommate was obsessed with WoW. So much so that he didn't show up to his job, lost it and then spent every waking hour playing and talking with his in-game friends. He couldn't even pay rent in full for the SECOND month he was here and was mad that we wanted him to pay his share of the security deposit because it was 'money that [we couldn't] even keep anyway!'. Then we changed the wireless password because he wasn't helping with rent/bills... and he went ballistic on us. It was crazy. We gave him 2 weeks to get out and he acted as though he was doing us a favor by leaving. Sure, he could buy a new top of the line video card... but could he pay rent/deposit? No. >____>