Beat it

By Morrowindwhore - 10/08/2009 22:22 - United Kingdom

Today, a friend of mine was talking about how he'd spent over 30 hours on Call of Duty. I piped up and said "Oh yeah! Well I've spent well over 300 hours on Morrowind! Beat that!" To which he replied, "I've had sex. Beat that!" I couldn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 934
You deserved it 68 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments


shaZamy 0

did you tell him blow up dolls don't count

greenfairy_fml 0

if you're like 15, this isn't an fml. might do you good to get out more instead of playing video games all day. if you're like 30, though, then this is just really sad and makes the future quite bleak.

Says the person talking trash on the internet...

slaveowner190461 0

Haha. I've logged 300 hours on 1 character in morrowind. So that's not including my other 5 characters/races and the ones on oblivion. Cod4 is the bomb. Mp5 ftw. Lose your virginity to a female nerd: that's what I did. All the hot ones play final fantasy!

honeyishrnkdakid 2

While you may not realize this, the real FML here is that you've spent at least 300 hours of your life playing a game. And you're proud of it. FYL indeed sir. Wait, I'm sorry, do you even have a life so that it can be f*ed?

U shoulda said "I had sex with yo mama!"

What are you... from the ghetto or something?

Brooklynxman 0

Ahhhhhh true hardcore gamers. Virgins to the last.

flyboy57 0